Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Holy shit i'm socially awkward

So, today when I was walking home from school, I saw my friends bus, so I kept looking up to see if I could see her, then, I realised I was looking at the wrong bus, and that everyone was staring at me like a stalker twat, so what do I do?
I give them a smile and wave at them as if I was waving at someone I knew and then power-walked off.
And someone shouted out the window 'Crazy Lady!'
I wasn't amused -.-

I think I might make a new movie series but idk.

Another word I can't say is Akatsuki.
MSP doesn't let you say 'suki.' When I was typing japanese for my bio one of the words was 'sukidesu' (It means 'like', basically) and it didn't 'sukidesu' it.

And, I've met a lot of stupid people on forums. If you're on of those stupid people, I hate you ^_^

What I think of you stupid people in
the aforementioned.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Soooo umm... hey again

I know I haven't blogged for a VERY long time, but I forgot my password and kinda lost interest in MSP because it turned into a place full of 10 year olds and stupid people.
Like, I can't even say the following-
Live in
Emetophobia (the phobia of vomit.)
And yeah there are more.
Like, what the actual fuck? (ah, feels good to swear.)

And you may have noticed that I dressed as Kakashi. For those who don't know who Kakashi is, this is him-

I think I did a pretty good job of dressing up like him.

But yeah it's nice to be back on my blog and i'll try to update as much as I can!

Above: Kakashi Hatake Anbu *Fangirl squeal*